The diagnosis is highly suggestive of clear cell acanthoma because of the presence of dotted vessels distributed like a necklace of pearls or in a string-like pattern (see inset).
This is a classic dermatofibroma with a delicate pigment network at the periphery and a central white scar-like patch. The central patch is described as scar-like because it is whiter than the surrounding skin.
This is a blue naevus characterised by a homogeneous pattern of structureless blue pigmentation. The history of a long lasting lesion with no change is typical.
This is a Spitz/Reed naevus typified by multiple streaks of pigmentation with globules arranged symmetrically at the periphery of the lesion in a radiating pattern (starburst).
This is a melanoma with a multicomponent pattern with polychromatism, an atypical pigment network with an abrupt cut-off at the periphery, a large blue-white structure in keeping with regression and dots/ small globules with peripheral streaks.
A dermal naevus with comma vessels, comedo-like openings and small brown globules at the periphery. These are typical features of a papillomatous dermal naevus (Unna type).
There are centrally located, thick and elongated linear vessels over a pink background corresponding to the thick invasive part of this melanoma. The presence of pigmented melanoma-specific criteria, namely irregular globules and streaks further facilitates the diagnosis.